Masters of Oil course includes the finest materials available, no student grade paint, only the best!
“Masters of Oil”
Five week full immersion oil painting course
Spring 2025
March 12 - April 18, 2025, Wednesday through Friday, 10a.m. - 5 p.m.
Course fee is $5,000 including materials. Email Abraxas if you are ready to make your paintings glow!
Add a spark of life to your paintings? Let Abraxas Hudson teach you how to enliven your art with light and color! This course will teach you the fundamentals and far beyond, propelling you into the realm of confident oil painter. “Masters of Oil” is a 5 week full immersion painting course for the student who is serious about advancing his or her ability. The only pre-requisite is Abraxas’ sketch class and a willingness to learn! This course is based on the New Renaissance Academy’s “Secrets of Masterpiece Painting” course that Abraxas attended in Washington State in 1993. This powerful body of knowledge was developed by the late Libby Berry and Abraxas is honored to carry on her legacy.
During the course, Abraxas will lead you on a guided tour of the National Gallery of Art or the Philadelphia Art Museum. Imagine walking up to a famous, revered painting and understanding not only how the masters achieved the life they did in their works but why they placed objects in their paintings so meticulously. Be the master of your paintings with proper use of color, composition, perspective, atmosphere, light and shadow, prioritization of elements within your scene… This course will full your mental toolbox with the knowledge you need to make your paintings come alive!
Only the finest materials available in the world are included in the course - Belgian Linen, Old Holland Oil, carefully selected brushes… Everything you need to embrace your artistic journey at a very high level.
Cindy Beyer painting a luminous winter scene during the winter 2019 class.
“Afterglow” Oil on Linen painted by Amy Adamcik in class.
A Blue Heron walks quietly through Mike Dowler’s final class painting - he had never painted before!
Fiery energy illuminates John Orban’s desert oil.